Media Lies About the Pope
Further, applying the ridiculous (non-)logic of the media, if the Pope is saying that condom use by male prostitutes is acceptable, then by extension he is saying that male prostitution is acceptable. Why haven’t the media led with the story that the Pope approves of male prostitution?
That the media did not follow that route is revealing of their intentions. Saying the Pope approves of male prostitution is so obviously incorrect that they likely knew their readers wouldn’t buy it and would dismiss it immediately. But a lie about the condom-use aspect instead, while none the less illogical, has more believability for the great unwashed masses the brave enlightened journalists look down upon.
So we can deduce that the media are not just ignorantly spreading falsehoods, but that they are actively and intentionally lying. Pure and simply, they are liars. This bears repeating: they are liars. Remember this always. Remember these liars: they are never to be trusted, they are your enemies, they lie about the Church and they will lie about you given the opportunity.
But these liars too should remember something important: you reap what you sow. The more lies they tell, the fewer people believe them, and yet they only seem more willing to lie. Take a look at those newspapers sales and circulation figures, media men. Your days are numbered, your day of reckoning will come. Many are the good, decent folk who will applaud your downfall. And remember that you did it all to yourself.
A minha Lista de blogues
What Might Have Been
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last election. The whole world might have been different.
Há 45 minutos
Diferente, porém, igual
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roupa com a filha adolescente porque o que a rapariga procurava,
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uma oitava de Camões
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[image: ccc.jpg]
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De novo,
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[image: 1193F353-AD6A-47E4-8DFB-C79122232726.jpeg]
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*Carácter Reservado*
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[image: Bildergebnis für don quixote]
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hope that ...
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Caros Amigos e Leitores,
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