This masonry is wondrous; fates broke itdo Livro de Exeter, poema anglo-saxão, autor desconhecido
courtyard pavements were smashed; the work of giants is decaying.
Roofs are fallen, ruinous towers,
the frosty gate with frost on cement is ravaged,
chipped roofs are torn, fallen,
undermined by old age. The grasp of the earth possesses
the mighty builders, perished and fallen,
the hard grasp of earth, until a hundred generations
of people have departed. Often this wall,
lichen-grey and stained with red, experienced one reign after another,
remained standing under storms; the high wide gate has collapsed.
A Truly Traditionalist Approach to Science Isn’t What You’ve Been Told
Advocates for a "young earth" and even for geocentrism claim their views
are consistent with traditional Catholic Scriptural interpretations. Are
they corr...
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