Proudhon, Du principe de federationLeft to themselves or led by their tribunes the masses never established anything. They have their face turned backwards; no tradition is formed among them; no orderly spirit, no idea which acquires the force of law. Of politics they understand nothing except the element of intrigue; of the art of governing, nothing except prodigality and force; of justice, nothing but mere indictment; of liberty, nothing but the ability to set up idols which are smashed the next morning. The advent of democracy starts an era of retrogression which will ensure the death of the nation and the State . . . .
Marianne Faithfull
(Marianne Faithfull - Broken English Live)
Eram mesmo outros tempos, tínhamos muito menos informações. À Marianne
Faithfull cheguei na adolescência apenas...
Há 3 horas