sexta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2011

Mente Moderna, Mentira Moderna

The Problem with Liberalism, in Collapse, The Blog

What an intolerable thing it must be to a liberal: to be on the side of history that has experienced unparalleled success; to identify with an intellectual and philosophical tradition that has not only succeeded in its goal of destroying an entire civilization but has succeeded to such an extent that the survivors of this moral and rational apocalypse imagine themselves more civilized than ever, despite veering back toward illiteracy, paganism, and squalor; and yet to measure their successes against an impossibly high standard, a standard so high that every minor breach of their false and evil creed -- even a largely-unread post on some nobody's blog -- produces oceans of inchoate rage. What a miserable endeavor modernity has been: always destroying, always negating, but never producing anything of value and never fulfilling its promises. Somewhere in Hell, the devil is surely dancing at his triumphs.

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"(...) as leis não têm força contra os hábitos da nação; (...) só dos anos pode esperar-se o verdadeiro remédio, não se perdendo um instante em vigiar pela educação pública; porque, para mudar os costumes e os hábitos de uma nação, é necessário formar em certo modo uma nova geração, e inspirar-lhe novos princípios." - José Acúrsio das Neves